Gold Coast Web Design Checklist.
Here are some essentials you need to check before deciding on a Gold Coast Web Design Company.
1. What is included in the price, and what is an add-on? Many Gold Coast Web Designers charge extra for things we included in the base price.
2. Is a Guaranteed Google Ranking included? We are very clear that we Guarantee you a Top 30 Spot in Google, or you get your website for the $200 Deposit! If you are looking at a Gold Coast Web Designer that is not guaranteeing results, we suggest looking elsewhere.
3. Is a Youtube Video included? Youtube is now so big it is critical to your online success. We include a Youtube video in the $495 you pay for our Gold Coast Web Design package. The video is created from images you provide and you can click here for more info on Gold Coast Business Videos. Just for clarity, the $295 mentioned on that page is for a video only; if you buy the $495 Gold Coast Web Design package, the Youtube video is included in the price. If you already have a website and just want to add a video, the price is $295 for the video on its own.
4. Is training included? The “sting in the tail” with many Gold Coast Web Design packages is that you are at the mercy of the web designer for every little change in the future – and it is usually chargeable. We include one hour of training, which will enable you to do most changes yourself, at no cost.
5. Are the “Mandatory Web Pages” Google looks for included in your Gold Coast Web Design package, eg, Privacy, Anti-Spam, etc. Do not expect Google to take you seriously without the critical web design factors the Pros included.
6. Are Sample Gold Coast Business Websites available for you to check out?
7. Are screenshots of the Google results for those Sample websites shown?
8. Is a “Custom Design” included in your Gold Coast Web Designers package, that allows you to use your images and Logos? Or are you forced into choosing from just the Templates they have available?
Hope you enjoyed this Gold Coast Web Design Checklist
Check out Terry Fisher on 0468 420 470 for top Gold Coast Web Design at sensible prices – with a Guarantee!
Terry Fisher, Gold Coast Web Designer